Thursday, June 18, 2015

Replacing Missing Teeth: You Get What You Pay For

While it’s true that dental implants tend to be a more costly restoration compared removable dentures and bridges, there are tremendous benefits involved in implant dentistry. Dental implants offer: 

• Durability - Your new tooth or teeth are built to last. With proper care and regular checkups, the implant should last as long as you need them to.

• Nearly-Natural Feel and Appearance – Implants are placed into jawbone (the term implant comes from the fact that it is literally implanted) and bond with the bone; you can enjoy life as if your tooth was never lost.  Implant patients see improvements in speech, biting and chewing, and the appearance of their smiles.

• Better Oral Health Overall - When a tooth or teeth is lost, the lack of your natural tooth root, and the gap created in your smile, can create dental problems. Jawbone in the area will begin to weaken because it is no longer supporting the same amount of teeth and existing teeth neighboring the vacancy can begin to shift toward it, throwing off your bite alignment.  But when an implant is placed, bone is stimulated and existing teeth stay in place.

• Sturdiness - With the dental implant becoming a permanent part of your smile, you won’t experience the loosening or shifting of removable appliances.

Dental implants are money well-spent when it comes to your oral health. While dental bridges and dentures may need to be entirely replaced every few years, an implant requires less cost associated with life-long maintenance, making them the more cost-effective decision in the long run.

At our Montreal dental office, our friendly dental team does everything we can to ensure that you get the smile you deserve. If you have questions about getting dental implants, please call our office for your consultation.

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